DISC Personality Test

  1. 1. Question

    I revel in being part of a boisterous crowd.

  2. 2. Question

    I simply desire equality for everyone.

  3. 3. Question

    I am constantly seeking opportunities to generate income.

  4. 4. Question

    I am hesitant to critique other people’s ideas.

  5. 5. Question

    I tend to be noisy.

  6. 6. Question

    I prioritize cooperation above competition.

  7. 7. Question

    I pay attention to the details, including the fine print.

  8. 8. Question

    I strive to surpass others.

  9. 9. Question

    I possess a strong desire for power.

  10. 10. Question

    I rarely boast about my accomplishments.

  11. 11. Question

    I desire acceptance and affection from strangers.

  12. 12. Question

    I tend to keep my emotions to myself.

  13. 13. Question

    My initial response to an idea is to identify its flaws.

  14. 14. Question

    I subject people to pressure.

  15. 15. Question

    I have a strong affinity for order and routine.

  16. 16. Question

    I frequently engage in joking around.

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